
Expressions of Obligations

In order to express the idea of obligation, to talk about rules, duties, or orders, to give strong advice to other people or to ourselves, must, have (got) to, should and ought to are used.
Expressions of Obligations

a. Positive Obligations
            S + Must + V1
§  You must go now.
§  I must save my money.

S + Have/Has to + V1
§  You have to come on time.
§  He has to meet the manager at 7 a.m

S + Need to + V1
§  I need to visit the landslide victims.
§  He needs to look at the map.

b. Negative Obligations
            S + Must not + V1
§  You must not smoke here.

c. No Obligation
            S + don’t have to + V1
§  You don’t have to go to school because it’s a holiday.

S + don’t need to + V1
§  You don’t need to do it.

d. Past Obligation
            S + had to + V1
§  I had to take part in the meeting last night.

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